Speak to our people
Curious about what it’s like to work at Coca-Cola Europacific Partners? Connect with our employees to get an insider’s perspective! Whether you have specific questions about roles, company culture, or opportunities, or you simply want to explore our discussion board, this is your chance to hear directly from the people who make CCEP an amazing place to work.

Mo's story
Being an ethnically diverse wheelchair user has given me a unique perspective. While i've experienced challenges, I'm incredibly proud of my career path to date - working with colleagues to make CCEP a more diverse and inclusive business.
Mohammad Koheeallee
Quality, Environment, Safety & Health (QESH) Co-Ordinator Projects & Lead Accessibility Ambassador GB

Richard's story
After enduring a life-altering accident that drastically shifted my physical abilities, I'm left feeling truly grateful for how far I've come in my healing journey, and for the incredible support and encouragement I've had from my colleagues.
Richard Cunnington
ASRS Team Leader

Donna's story
The pandemic really made me slow down and prioritise my health as I navigated a whole new layer to my chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) diagnosis. My colleagues' support and kindness during this time and since then really meant a lot to me.
Donna Allbrighton
Production Team Leader

One in six people have a significant disability, whether visible or non-visible. This means that the majority of us will either be part of the disabled community - or know someone who is. And people with disabilities face significantly higher barriers to accessing education, employment and opportunity. In industrialised countries between 50% and 70% of working age people with disabilities are unemployed – a figure that rises to 80% to 90% in developing countries . The Accessibility Matrix aims to overcome the perceived complexity around creating accessible workplaces, creating opportunities for this untapped talent. The Matrix is a step-by-step guide to accelerating accessibility in the workplace, based on everything that we have learned on our journey so far. It’s designed to act as a ‘how to’ for companies that are working to make themselves more accessible, and as a checklist to track their progress along the way. The Matrix unpicks some of the complicated accessibility rules and regulations, translating them into straightforward, easy-to-understand guidance.