CCEP application process
So, you’ve reached out to the right people, discussed your plans with your manager and decided this is going to be your next step. What happens now?
Usually, the first step is an interview. The exact process will depend on the business area you’re applying to. Check with your Talent Acquisition partner about what is involved; e.g., will there be a presentation or case study?
For further information and FAQs, please click here.

Preparation is everything
Most interviews will involve two people, one of whom will be the direct manager. We’ll be reviewing your application to see how well your skills and experience match up to the responsibilities and expectations we have for the role. Get a heads up on what those are by looking at the job advert and job profile or getting in touch with the hiring manager or Talent Acquisition team. The Talent Acquisition team can help you if you have any adjustments that you’d like us to make for you to feel more comfortable.

Be yourself
Remember, confidence and enthusiasm are super important. A hiring manager will want to know why you want the job and what makes you the right person for it. Bear that in mind for any question you get asked. And just speak from the heart! You’re at your best when you’re being yourself.

On the day
One other thing to be clear on is the location of the interview and the appropriate dress code. If your interview is at one of our offices, we’ll ask you to follow a business-casual dress code. If ‘out in trade’ or at a supply chain site, we’ll ask you to wear the appropriate footwear.